Charvel announced this insane San Dimas at NAMM and we HAD to order it! Old Yella features a worn Ash body and unreal 'bumblebee' style finish that fills and follows the outrageous grain of the wood.

Put up for sale by Iconic Auctions, the custom model was based off of Eddie's legendary "Bumblebee" guitar, and was used by him during a Van Halen show at the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington on May 5, 2012.
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For an axe that sounds as ferocious as it looks, the EVH Striped Series electric guitar is based on the actual artwork Eddie designed for the guitars he blew minds with back in the 70's. This guitar was featured on the cover of the Guitar World magazine in January 1981. You can set your address, phone number, email and site description in the settings tab. Call GAK now for product info Here's Why Eddie Van Halen Buried His Iconic Guitar With Dimebag Darrell. I talk Dan Lawrence, Glenn Matejzel, Eddie Van Halen, Randy Rhoads, Steve Vai, Dave Friedman, RS GuitarWorks, and BC Rich Guitars.

You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. Have a question? MON - FRI 9AM TO 5PM PST. A reverse-colorway Charvel sold for $38,400, with the final black-and-silver striped EVH-signed Art Series guitar fetching $51,200. Gibson´s policy was to cut trees down only so far, so that the wood wasn't too dense and the guitar would have better sustain, better natural tone, better dynamics EVH 5150III 50-watt Tube Head - Ivory. DEAN GUITARS is committed to producing the finest guitars in the world. This was nothing to do with Wayne Charvel himself, and Eddie apparently send desist notices via his lawyers. Charvel bumblebee guitar Thank you for choosing an EVH® Striped Series Guitar.